Sunday, August 20, 2006

Thanks, I Have Enough "Friends"

Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm going to end up dying alone in this house, with nothing but a few hundred cats to keep me company.

It has been way too long since I have been in any sort of committed and/or serious relationship, and it is starting to get to the point, well maybe it's past the point where I'm not sure I will be again. Enough failed attempts, and that's the direction your mind takes you. I don't know which is worse, watching opportunity after opportunity come crashing down, or just not having the opportunities at all.

I'm pretty good about getting my hopes up, just to set myself up for a greater fall. I make the mistake of letting my mind wander down the roads of possibilities while going into things with a positive outlook, only to see everything turn out the same as the time before, with me left alone again.

So what's wrong with me? I have a good job, I have no kids, never been married, and I'm pretty sure I don't have The Clap, but apparently I'm not a good enough "catch" to even interest a woman in attempting a relationship with me lately.

Recently I met a girl that I was totally into, moreso than any other girl I have come across in the past couple of years, and it seemed that she was into me too. We seemed to be getting along great, and every signal I was picking up appeared to be saying that she was interested in becoming more than just friends, but as usual, I was wrong. I'm telling you, the next time I have to hear the "let's just be friends" speech, I may have to club a baby seal.

This is becoming a trend.

Just remember, in 15 years or so when you see a weird 40-yr old guy in the bars hitting on the 21 year old chics (and no doubt getting shut down), be sure to introduce yourself and let me know you read my blog. Just watch out, because I might have The Clap by then. And if not, maybe you'd be interested in giving it to me?

Yeah, you're right. We should just be friends.


Blogger Me said...

I totally empathise with you brother. Not about the cats though - I've never heard of a cat-man.

6:17 AM  

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